Friday, October 5, 2018

What is tuberculosis? What are the causes and clinical manifestations of tuberculosis?

Tuberculosis is a chronic infectious disease caused by infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Tuberculosis may invade various organs of the body, but mainly invades the lungs, called tuberculosis.
What is tuberculosis? What are the causes and clinical manifestations of tuberculosis?
Tuberculosis is a chronic and delayed infection that is easy for young people to develop. The incubation period is 4 to 8 weeks. 80% of them occur in the lungs, and other parts (neck lymph, meninges, peritoneum, intestines, skin, bones) can also be infected. Respiratory spread between people is the main form of infection. The source of infection is a tuberculosis patient who is exposed to bacteria. With the spread of environmental pollution and AIDS, the incidence of tuberculosis has become more intense. In addition to a small number of rapid onset, clinically many chronic processes. There are often low-heat, fatigue and other systemic symptoms and respiratory system such as cough and hemoptysis.


When the body's resistance is reduced, the tuberculosis that first invades the body through the respiratory tract or digestive tract often forms a primary lesion in the lung or intestine.

2. Blood type dissemination
When the body's resistance is reduced, a large number of tuberculosis bacteria are invaded by the blood circulation once or in a very short time. At this time, the vascular permeability is enhanced due to an increase in the body's allergic reaction.

3. Following the hairstyle
Refers to the re-emergence of potential lesions left in the lungs during the primary infection or re-infection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis.

Clinical manifestation
Invasion of different parts showed mixed performance. Early or mild tuberculosis of tuberculosis can be ignored without any symptoms or mild symptoms. If the disease is in the stage of active progression, the following symptoms may occur:
Most of the body temperature rises in the afternoon, usually between 98 and 100℉. Patients are often accompanied by general malaise or weight loss. Night sweats, women can cause irregular menstruation or menopause.

1. Pulmonary tuberculosis
Cough and cough are the most common early symptoms of tuberculosis with bloodshot or small blood clots.

2. Tuberculosis in the stomach
The clinical manifestations are very inconsistent, some are asymptomatic or very mild, some are similar to chronic gastritis, gastric cancer, and most of them are ulcerative diseases. Patients have upper abdominal discomfort or pain, often accompanied by acid reflux, and abdominal pain has nothing to do with eating. The vomiting manifested by pyloric obstruction is mostly in the afternoon and evening. The vomit is the food that enters, does not contain bile, the occult blood can be negative, and the bloating is relieved after vomiting. In addition to stomach symptoms can also be associated with systemic tuberculosis symptoms, such as fatigue, weight loss, afternoon fever, night sweats and so on. Physical examination of the upper abdomen can sometimes touch irregular masses. When there is pyloric obstruction, gastric type, peristaltic wave and seismic sound can be seen in the upper abdomen.

3. Liver tuberculosis
The most common symptoms are fever and fatigue. Other symptoms include loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, bloating, and diarrhea. More fever in the afternoon, sometimes accompanied by chills and night sweats; those with low fever also have relaxation type, high heat can reach 102~ 106℉. People with tuberculosis can have repeated fever for a long time.

4. intestinal tuberculosis
The clinical manifestations are not obvious at the early stage, most of them are slow onset and have a long course of disease. If they coexist with extraintestinal tuberculosis, their clinical manifestations can be covered and ignored. Therefore, active extraintestinal tuberculosis, for example, has obvious gastrointestinal symptoms.

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