Friday, October 5, 2018

What are the symptoms of tuberculosis? What are the symptoms of tuberculosis poisoning?

What are the symptoms of tuberculosis? What are the symptoms of tuberculosis poisoning?
What are the symptoms of tuberculosis? What are the symptoms of tuberculosis poisoning?
What are the symptoms of tuberculosis?
The clinical manifestations of tuberculosis are diverse. Can have the following symptoms:

  • Systemic symptoms: such as fever, night sweating, weight loss, fatigue, loss of appetite, insomnia, irregular menstruation and even amenorrhea. Among them, fever is the most common, most of them are low fever, and the body temperature of fever is lower than 100 °F. Generally, the body temperature can return to normal in the morning. Some patients, especially early tuberculosis patients, do not even have any symptoms.
  • Cough and cough: Patients with tuberculosis cough are mainly dry cough, or cough a small amount of white mucus. If the lungs are infected with bacteria, the sputum is yellow purulent. Cough for three weeks or more, with blood in the sputum, it is highly suspected that tuberculosis may be.
  • Hemoptysis: Hemoptysis refers to a symptom of bleeding from the trachea, bronchi, and lung parenchyma, which is coughed up by the mouth through coughing. Tuberculosis patients generally have less hemoptysis, which is bloody in the sputum. 
  • Chest pain: Most of the pain is persistent and fixed. The pain is like acupuncture in the lungs, and the chest pain will increase with cough and breathing.
  • Difficulty breathing: manifested as shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, and more obvious after physical activity.

What are the symptoms of tuberculosis?
The so-called symptoms of tuberculosis poisoning means that in addition to local symptoms such as cough, chest pain, chest tightness, there are more obvious systemic symptoms, such as fatigue, low fever in the afternoon, loss of appetite, night sweats, weight loss and so on. Female patients may have disorders of the endocrine system, such as irregular menstruation and amenorrhea. Once symptoms of tuberculosis appear, suggesting that the condition is more serious, you must receive regular anti-tuberculosis treatment.

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